Australian Firefighters Alliance

Australian Firefighters Alliance

Fighting for the rights and freedoms of Australian Firefighters

(as member or supporter)

Australian Firefighters Alliance - Fighting vaccine mandates

Firefighters all over Australia are about to lose their livelihoods. State governments have mandated that all Firefighters must participate in the COVID-19 vaccine trial, or be stood down from duties.

In response, we have formed the Australian Firefighters Alliance Ltd. We are PRO CHOICE not anti-vaccination. We need to be afforded the right to say NO without the risk of job loss, disciplinary action, coercion, pressure or harassment.


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Australian Medical Professionals’ Society Conference

FEB 7th, 2023 — AFA Directors attended the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society Conference “Australia’s response to Covid” — Where our AFA Victorian Director Joshua Jawkes delivered a heartfelt and confronting speech on the experience of Firefighters that continue to be denied work due to their choice to not subject themselves to experimental Covid-19 injections.

See AFA Director Josh Hawkes at 1:37:30

GUEST SPEAKERS: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Christopher Neil, Dr Phillip Altman, Senator Malcolm Roberts, AFA Director Joshua Hawkes, Former ICU Paramedic David Cotsios, and Senator Ralph Babet.

Who we are

The Australian Firefighters Alliance is made up of firefighters from around Australia, committed to protecting the freedoms and democratic rights of firefighters and workers throughout the nation. 

The Australian FireFighters Alliance has been brought into existence for the verbalising of community sentiment on the issue of pro choice. Freedom of choice is an integral part of our society which so many generations have fought for, one that is generationally being brought under threat of being lost.

The Australian Firefighters Alliance came about through the threat of losing jobs under the “No Jab No Job” proposal from fire services senior management without legal basis.

The mandates proposed were accepted as part of the rhetoric surrounding the entire COVID story. It needs to be recognised though, that many: 1 hesitantly accepted the illegal and immoral order; and 2 fully opposed the concept of mandates surrounding the jab as a condition of employment.

The company’s object is to pursue the following charitable purpose(s):
(a) to promote the interests of our firefighters and other workers in various ways;
(b) to promote a culture of inclusivity and solidarity amongst the Firefighting Industry, other Emergency Services and the wider community, throughout Australia;
(c) to oppose the mandating of any medical procedure or intervention, including vaccinations as a condition of work or participation in society;
(d) to fight for the working rights of firefighters and other workers across Australia who may be impacted by workplace discrimination, unfair working conditions and the removal of control to medical choice and health;
(e) to formulate policy for government and others to consider;
(f) to representing firefighters and other workers to government and others;
(g) to provide support to firefighters and other workers and their families;
(h) to become involved in advocacy and legal action as appropriate; and
(i) to conduct other activities connected with accomplishing the objects and purposes of the company.

The Australian Firefighters Alliance Ltd are PRO CHOICE not anti-vaccination. We need to be afforded the right to unhindered informed consent, with the ability to say NO without the risk of job loss, disciplinary action, coercion, pressure or harassment. Where there are risks, there must be choice.

Any other questions maybe posed via our contact page and will be promptly answered. 

What we're about

The company’s object is to pursue the following charitable purpose(s):

  • (a) to promote the interests of our firefighters and other workers in various ways;
  • (b) to promote a culture of inclusivity and solidarity amongst the Firefighting Industry, other Emergency Services and the wider community, throughout Australia;
  • (c) to oppose the mandating of any medical procedure or intervention, including vaccinations as a condition of work or participation in society;
  • (d) to fight for the working rights of firefighters and other workers across Australia who may be impacted by workplace discrimination, unfair working conditions and the removal of control to medical choice and health;
  • (e) to formulate policy for government and others to consider;
  • (f) to representing firefighters and other workers to government and others;
  • (g) to provide support to firefighters and other workers and their families;
  • (h) to become involved in advocacy and legal action as appropriate; and
  • (i) to conduct other activities connected with accomplishing the objects and purposes of the company.

Company information

Australian Firefighters Alliance Ltd
ABN: 12655337269 / ACN: 655337269

List of Directors:

  • Anthony Camilleri
  • Stephen McDonald
  • Joshua Hawkes
  • Jason Adams
  • Dan McDonald

Bank details

We’re taking donations to cover various aspects, including: funding legal action, administration, and other company objectives.

Account Name: Australian Firefighters Alliance
BSB: 325-185
Account Number: 03883956
Reference for donations: “Full Name”

Become a member

If you are a firefighter seeking to align yourself with the values of the Australian Firefighters Alliance (AFA) or simply someone who would like to support the charitable purposes of the AFA, we would welcome your membership and support.