Charitable Purposes and Powers – Australian Firefighters Alliance

Charitable Purposes and Powers

Charitable Purposes and Powers

The company’s object is to pursue the following charitable purpose(s):

  • (a) to promote the interests of our firefighters and other workers in various ways;
  • (b) to promote a culture of inclusivity and solidarity amongst the Firefighting Industry, other Emergency Services and the wider community, throughout Australia;
  • (c) to oppose the mandating of any medical procedure or intervention, including vaccinations as a condition of work or participation in society;
  • (d) to fight for the working rights of firefighters and other workers across Australia who may be impacted by workplace discrimination, unfair working conditions and the removal of control to medical choice and health;
  • (e) to formulate policy for government and others to consider;
  • (f) to representing firefighters and other workers to government and others;
  • (g) to provide support to firefighters and other workers and their families;
  • (h) to become involved in advocacy and legal action as appropriate; and
  • (i) to conduct other activities connected with accomplishing the objects and purposes of the company.